Vidhya Ganesh Rangarajan

Thesis Topic:

Slope Processes on Mars – Understanding their Evolution and Recent Changes

Current Degree:

  • Ph.D. candidate in Geology with Collaborative Specialization in Planetary Science

Past Degrees:

  • M.Tech (Remote Sensing), Birla Institute of Technology (2015-2017)
  • B.E. (Civil Engineering), Bangalore University (2011-2015)

Honors and Awards

  • Meena and Amit Chakma Global Opportunities Award – Western University (2022)
  • Experiential Learning Opportunity Award – Institute for Earth & Space Exploration, Western University (2022)
  • First Rank Certificate in M.Tech. – Birla Institute of Technology (2018)
  • GATE Fellowship to pursue graduate studies – MHRD, Govt. of India (2015-2017)
  • UVCE Golden Jubilee Commemoration Gold Medal – Bangalore University (2016)
  • K.S. Chakravarthi (Eng.) Gold Medal – Bangalore University (2016)
  • Smt. Sundarammal Chakravarthi Prize – Bangalore University (2016)
  • Sir M.Visveswaraya Merit Scholarship for Academic Excellence (2013,2014,2015)


Articles submitted/in revision:

  • Rangarajan, V.G., Tornabene, L.L., Osinski, G.R., Conway, S.J., Seelos, F.P., Silvestro, S., Salese, F., Pajola, M., Lucchetti, A., Munaretto, G., Bickel, V.T., Thomas, N., Cremonese, G. (2022), Change detection and monitoring of active Martian surface phenomena with the Colour and Stereo Surface Imaging System (CaSSIS) onboard the ExoMars Trace Gas orbiter (TGO), in revision, Icarus.

Articles published in Peer-Reviewed Journals:

  • Dundas, C.M., Mellon, M.T., Posiolova, L.V., Miljkovic, K., Collins, G.S., Tornabene, L.L., Rangarajan, V.G., Golombek, M.T., Warner, N.H., Daubar, I.J., Byrne, S., McEwen, A.S., Seelos, K.D., Viola, D., Bramson, A.M., Speth, G. (2022). A Large New Crater Exposes the Limits of Water Ice on Mars, in press, Geophysical Research Letters
  • Munaretto, G., Pajola, M., Lucchetti, A., Cremonese, G., Simioni, G., Re, C., Bertoli, S., Tornabene, L.L., McEwen A.S., Becerra, P., Rangarajan, V.G., Valantinas, A., Pommerol, A., Thomas, N., Portyankina, G. (2021). Multi-band photometry of Martian Recurring Slope Lineae (RSL) and dust-removed features at Horowitz crater, Mars from TGO/CaSSIS color observations. Planetary and Space Science 105443
  • Valantinas, A., Becerra, P., Pommerol, A., Tornabene, L.L., Affolter, L., Cremonese, G., Hauber, E., McEwen, A.S., Munaretto, G., Pajola, M., Parkes-Bowen, A., Patel, M.R., Rangarajan, V.G., Schorghofer, N., Thomas, N. (2021). Color and multi-angular observations of Martian slope streaks. Planetary and Space Science 105373.
  • Rangarajan, V.G., Ghosh, M. (2020). Seasonal thermal inertia variations at Gale crater: Role of active surface deposition phenomena. Icarus 337, 113499, 1-10.
  • Rangarajan, V.G., Bharti, R., Mondal, S.K., Pradhan, C., Dutta, S. (2018). Remote Sensing for Martian Studies: Inferences from Syrtis Major. Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing 46, 1537–1551.

Conference Abstracts:

  • Osinski, G.R., Sabarinathan, J., Bakhtazad, A., Pilles, E., Tornabene, L.L., Amey, S., Burley, J., Rangarajan, V.G., Sia, J.S., Zhu, S. (2022). An Adaptable Integrated Vision System for Lunar Exploration, 73rd International Astronautical Congress (abstract #73012) (Oral).
  • Tornabene, L.L., Rangarajan, V.G., Seelos, F., Douté, S., Munaretto, G., Viviano, C., Grindrod, P., Piatek, J., Wray, J., Pommerol, A., and Lucchetti, A. (2022). Application of an Empirical Dark (Shadow) Subtraction Method to CRISM VNIR+IR Data as a Supplemental Method for Spectral Analysis of the Surface, 53rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (abstract #2330) (Poster).
  • Munaretto, G., Pajola, M., Lucchetti, A., Cremonese, G., Simioni, E., Re, C., Bertoli, S., Tornabene, L., McEwen, A.S., Becerra, P., Rangarajan, V.G., Valantinas, A., Pommerol, A., Thomas, N. and Portyankina, G. (2021). Multi-band Photometry of Martian Recurring Slope Lineae (RSL) and Dust-Removed Features at Horowitz Crater, Mars from TGO/CaSSIS Color Observations. 53rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (abstract #2287) (Poster).
  • Rangarajan, V.G., Tornabene, L.L., Osinski, G.R., Conway, S.J., Hauber, E., Munaretto, G., Pajola, M., and the CaSSIS Team (2022). Spectral Analyses of Gully-Associated Light-Toned Materials from TGO/CaSSIS and MRO/HiRISE Observations: Implications for Martian Gully Formation Mechanisms, 53rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (abstract #1986) (Poster).
  • Rangarajan, V.G., Godin, E., Osinski, G.R., and Tornabene, L.L. (2022). Statistical Analyses of Gully Characteristics in the Haughton Impact Structure: Implications for Martian Gully Formation Mechanisms, 53rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (abstract #1233) (Poster).
  • Tornabene, L.L., Rangarajan V.G., Pilles, E., Burley, J., Dicecca, A., Thomas, N., Cremonese, G. (2021). Colour and Multispectral Analysis of Mars with the Colour and Stereo Surface Imaging System (CaSSIS) onboard the ExoMars 2016 Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO), Geological Association of Canada – Mineralogical Association of Canada Annual Conference 2021, London, Canada (Oral).
  • Rangarajan V.G., Tornabene, L.L., Osinski, G.R., Conway, S.J., Thomas, N., Cremonese, G. (2021). Change detection and monitoring with the Color and Stereo Surface Imaging System onboard the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter, Geological Association of Canada – Mineralogical Association of Canada Annual Conference 2021, London, Canada (Oral).
  • Munaretto, G., Pajola, M., Lucchetti, A., Cremonese, G., Simioni, E., Re, C., Bertoli, S., Tornabene, L., McEwen, A.S., Becerra, P., Rangarajan, V.G., Valantinas, A., Pommerol, A., Thomas, N. and Portyankina, G. (2021). Multi-band Photometry of Martian Recurring Slope Lineae (RSL) and Dust-Removed Features at Horowitz Crater, Mars from TGO/CaSSIS Color Observations. Europlanet Science Congress 2021 (abstract #379) (Oral).
  • Munaretto, G., Pajola, M., Lucchetti, A., Cremonese, G., Simioni, E., Bertoli, S., Tornabene, L., McEwen, A.S., Becerra, P., Rangarajan, V.G., Valantinas, A., Portyankina, G. and Thomas, N. (2021). Multi-band Photometry of RSL and Dust-devil tracks from CaSSIS color images. 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (abstract #1938) (poster).
  • Valantinas, A., Becerra, P., Tornabene, L.L., Pommerol, A., Hauber, E., McEwen, A.S., Munaretto, G., Rangarajan, V.G., Schorghofer, N., Thomas, N., Cremonese, G., and the CaSSIS Team (2021). Colour and Multi-Angular Observations of Martian Slope Streaks. 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (abstract #2731) (poster).
  • Tornabene, L.L., Becerra, P., Cesar, C., Conway, S., Cremonese, G., Lucchetti, A., Munaretto, G., McEwen, A., Pajola, M., Patel, M., Perry, J., Pommerol, A., Rangarajan, V., Seelos, F., Thomas, N., and Wray, J. (2021). Potential Detection of Exposed Martian Water-Ice with Multispectral Images from the ExoMars Colour and Stereo Surface Imaging System. 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (abstract #2459) (poster).
  • Rangarajan, V.G., Tornabene, L.L., Osinski, G.R., Seelos, F.P., Conway, S.J., Dundas, C.M., Patel, M.R., Thomas, N., Cremonese, G., Pajola, M., Lucchetti, A., Munaretto, G., and the CaSSIS Team (2021). Semi-Quantitative Identification of Colour Associated Gully Changes through CaSSIS Band Ratios and Spectral Analysis Techniques. 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (abstract #2195) (poster).
  • Rangarajan, V.G., Tornabene, L.L., Osinski, G.R., Seelos, F.P., Conway, S.J., Patel, M.R., Thomas, N., Cremonese, G., Pajola, M., Munaretto, G., Lucchetti, A., and the CaSSIS Team (2020). Change detection analyses using simulated and actual ExoMars TGO-CaSSIS images: A case study based on past and present Gasa Crater gully activity. European Planetary Science Congress 2020 (abstract #475) (Oral).
  • Rangarajan, V.G., Tornabene, L.L., Osinski, G.R., and Cannon, K.M. (2020). Spectrally distinct impact melt deposits on Martian complex crater uplifts: Implications for melt emplacement mechanisms. 51st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Woodlands, TX (abstract #1448) (poster).
  • Dhingra, D., Bhoga, S.A.D., Rangarajan, V.G. (2020). Distinct evidences of central peak modification imply caution for the derived subsurface mineralogy: Emerging results from global survey. 51st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Woodlands, TX (abstract #2746) (oral).
  • Dhingra, D., Rangarajan, V.G., Bhoga, S.A.D. (2019). Impact Melt Cover on Lunar Impact Crater Central Peaks: Implications for Determining Mineralogical Variations in the Crust. AGU Fall Meeting 2019, San Francisco (P31C-3479) (Poster)
  • Rangarajan, V.G., Ghosh, M. (2019). Localised seasonal dust deposition activity at Gale crater: Inferences from thermal inertia. 50th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Woodlands, TX (abstract #1330).
  • Sahu, S.K., Reddy, V.C., Rangarajan, V.G., Bharti, R., Garaga, R., Zhang, H., Hu, J., Ying, Q., Kota, S.H. (2018). Predicting countrywide PM2.5 concentration and associated mortality in India based on GAM model using aerosol optical depth and meteorological parameters, AGU Fall Meeting 2018, Washington D.C. (A43L-3271) (Poster)
  • Patel, P., Arjun, B.M., Kurbah, S., Rangarajan, V.G., Bharti, R. (2018). Effect of possible diversion of Yarlung Tsangpo water at Zangmu: A semi-distributed model approach, Hydro-2018 International, National Institute of Technology Patna (Oral)
  • Rangarajan, V.G, Bharti, R., Dutta, S., (2018), An Investigation of hydrated minerals in Jezero crater, European Planetary Science Congress 2018, Berlin (abstract #682) (Poster)
  • Rangarajan, V.G., Ghosh, M. (2018). Seasonal variations of SEB components over Gale crater, European Planetary Science Congress 2018, Berlin (abstract #14) (Poster)
  • Rangarajan, V.G., Bharti, R., Dutta, S., (2018). An Investigation of the Fluvial Geomorphology and Associated Minerals in the Syrtis Major, Mars, in: 2018 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. IEEE, Valencia, Spain, pp. 7415–7418. (Poster)
  • Vidhya Ganesh R, Ramesh H (2017), Effectiveness of Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization Technique on Multispectral Satellite Imagery, in: Proceedings of the International Conference on Video and Image Processing (ICVIP 2017). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 234-239. (Oral)